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Teacher User Guide

How To Add, Delete and Modify Teachers

Only full administrators can add, delete and modify teachers.

To administer teachers, from the Teacher Admin home page select "All Teachers". The following pop-up appears.

Teacher list

To add a new teacher, select the New Teacher icon on the toolbar and fill out the form that appears. Press Save when you have finished. The new teacher is immediately added to the teacher list.

New teacher

To modify an existing teacher, select the teacher and press the Edit icon on the toolbar. Edit the record to suit and press Save.

To delete a teacher, select the teacher and press the Delete icon on the toolbar. Press OK on the confirmation box, and the teacher will be removed from the school roll.

Deleting a teacher does not delete their classes or students. Only the teacher record is removed.


The Rollover Guide For A New School Year

If you used MathsOnline in 2023 you DO NOT need to register your school again for 2024. Follow one of the methods below to rollover your classes for 2024.

New schools please register here and instructions will be emailed to you.

Supporting Downloads

Student List Template (.xls)

Method 1 Recommended

Send to MathsOnline a new and complete list of students and teachers. This will overwrite all existing students and teachers.

  • Greatly simplifies rollover process. Download, populate and return the spreadsheet to MathsOnline and we will process your student and teacher rolls for you in one business day.
  • Removes existing student results so students start the new year with a clean slate.
  • After MathsOnline processes your school roll, new logins and passwords will need to be distributed to students and teachers.

Method 2

Using the tools within the Teachers’ Area, manually roll over teachers, classes and students.

  • Students and teachers keep their logins, passwords, and results.
  • A more tedious rollover method, as each class needs to be rolled over manually, students that have left must be identified and deleted, and students and teachers entering the school need to be added.

View Method 2 Instructions